Bruges attractions — canals, museums, churches, castles

Достопримечательности брюгге

Bruges, what to see? The medieval city, often called the «Venice of the North», is one of the most beautiful and well-preserved in Europe.

Founded by the Vikings in the 9th century, it quickly developed into an important trading center due to its strategic location on the North Sea coast.

During the Middle Ages, Bruges reached the peak of its prosperity, becoming a major center for the trade of textiles and other valuable goods. The city has repeatedly appeared in literature and cinema, including the film «In Bruges», «In Bruges» and the novel «Bruges-la-Morte» by the French writer Georges Rodenbach.

In this article, you will get to know Bruges online.


Grote Markt, Market Square

грос маркт рыночная площадь

The Grote Markt, or Market Square, is the center of Bruges. A place where merchants have gathered for centuries to sell their goods. It was founded in the 10th century.

The square is rectangular in shape with each side about 100 meters long and occupies about a hectare of land.

In the old days, tournaments were held here, various celebrations were organized, and even executions took place. Today, it is a meeting place for residents and visitors to the city.

The square looks especially beautiful during the Christmas holidays with lights, an ice rink and a fair. On the Grote Markt, you can enjoy the architecture while sitting in one of the cafes or listening to musicians on the street.

One of the famous buildings on the square is the Belfort tower with a bell tower, built in 1240.


колокольня белфорд

The 83-metre-high bell tower offers a magnificent view of the city. The Belfry is the symbol of the city, an ancient watchtower.

A spiral staircase of 366 steps leads to its top. Admire the panorama, see the balcony where laws were announced.

The building has 47 bells, located on the upper level of the observation deck, which can only be reached after climbing all the steps. These bells play their own unique melody every hour.

Halfway up, you will pass the clock mechanism, an amazing piece of technology that has kept track of time for centuries.

In the past, the tower also served administrative functions — it housed the treasury and the archive of the city audit chamber.

Building of the Government of the Province of West Flanders

западная фландрия

On the western side of the market square in Bruges is the Government building.

The Gothic mansion houses the office of the head of the provincial administration of West Flanders. The head, also known as the governor, is the permanent representative of the king in the region.

Built in the late 19th century, the building is mainly used for representative purposes, and sometimes also serves as an exhibition hall. The interior of the building is only accessible for viewing during exhibitions.

Church of Our Lady

церковь богоматери брюгге

The Gothic Church of Our Lady, built in the 12th-13th centuries. in Bruges is famous for housing the sculpture of the Madonna and Child created by Michelangelo himself.

This is the only work of his that left Italy during the artist’s lifetime.

The church tower is 122 meters high.

The church contains thirty coats of arms of the knights who attended the feast in honor of the Order of the Golden Fleece in 1468.

Basilica of the Holy Blood

базилика святой крови брюггеSituated on Burg Square, this basilica is famous for housing the relic of the Holy Blood. According to legend, the blood of Christ was brought to Bruges after the Crusades. The interior of the basilica is decorated with sumptuous frescoes and works of art, and the annual Feast of the Ascension attracts thousands of pilgrims and tourists.



The Beguinage is a unique complex that served as a home for the Beguines, women who dedicated their lives to religion without taking monastic vows. These historic houses, surrounded by peaceful gardens, are now a museum and offer visitors the opportunity to learn about the lives of the Beguines and the history of Bruges.

Grueninge Museum

Музей ГрюнингеThe museum has one of the best collections of early art in Belgium, including works by Jan van Eyck and other masters of the Flemish School. The museum’s exhibition allows you to immerse yourself in the golden age of Bruges painting. It is one of the most important attractions in Belgium.

Canals of Bruges

каналы брюгге

The city’s canals are its living arteries, where you can take a boat trip and enjoy the views of ancient facades and quiet corners. A trip along the canals offers a unique perspective on the architecture and history of Bruges.

The canals of Bruges play an important role in the cultural life of the city. Various festivals and events are held here every year, such as:

  • Brugge Tripel Dagen: A festival dedicated to Mediterranean gastronomy and the history of Bruges, including tastings, concerts and theatre performances on the water.
  • Procession of the Holy Blood: A magnificent and ancient procession in which a holy relic is carried through the streets of the city, attracting thousands of pilgrims and tourists.

Chocolate Museum

музей шоколада

What else to see in Bruges? This Bruges museum presents the history of how cocoa beans are transformed into chocolate.

A favorite sweet of many, here is a lot of information about chocolate — its history, geography and botany.

In the museum, visitors have access to recipes for various chocolates, as well as a large library with books about cocoa.

There you can see the process of creating handmade chocolate products and talk to experts on chocolate.

A separate section of the museum is dedicated to the health benefits of chocolate.

Since May 1, 2011, the Chocolate Museum in Bruges has been collaborating with another city museum — the French Fries Museum. Since French fries and chocolate are considered typical national dishes of Belgium.

Cathedral of Saint Salvator

собор святого сальватора

The origins of the Cathedral of St. Salvator date back to the 11th century. Initially, a small parish church stood on this site. Over the centuries, the church was rebuilt and expanded several times until it gradually became the magnificent Gothic cathedral we see today.

Its construction was a long and intermittent process, resulting in a variety of architectural styles and elements on the inside and outside.

Facade and Tower: The cathedral’s majestic and massive tower, 99 meters high, was completed in the mid-19th century under the direction of the British architect Robert Charles Hahn.

The interior of the cathedral is decorated with numerous works of art, including works by famous Flemish artists of the 17th century. The main altar, side chapels and stained glass windows are magnificent examples of religious art and craftsmanship.

Among the artistic masterpieces housed in the cathedral, the following deserve special attention:
— Tapestries: The cathedral houses a collection of six large tapestries from the 17th century depicting scenes from the life of Christ. They give the cathedral a special atmosphere.

— Organ: The cathedral is home to one of the largest organs in Belgium, built in the 18th century and restored in the 20th century. Organ concerts are often held within the cathedral and are an important cultural event for the city.
— Paintings: The painting collection includes works by masters such as Jacob van Os and Anthony van Dyck, as well as other prominent Flemish artists.

Gate of the Holy Cross

Ворота святого крестаThe Gate of the Holy Cross is one of four surviving city gates in Bruges, which were part of the defensive walls that surrounded the city. It is a fine example of medieval military architecture.

Loppem Castle

замок лоппем

This is a neo-Gothic castle. It is famous for its interiors, which have been preserved in their original form since its construction in the 19th century.

The facade of the castle is decorated with elegant sculptures, stained glass windows and decorative elements typical of the Gothic style. High spires and towers give the building a majestic and romantic appearance.

The castle is surrounded by a moat, creating the impression that it is on an island.

The area around Loppem Castle has extensive parks and gardens that perfectly complement the architectural ensemble. The park, laid out in the English style, was designed by Edouard and Jean-Baptiste Bethune. Here you can find artificial lakes, bridges, gazebos and many interesting corners.

One of the main attractions of the park is the labyrinth, created in 1873. This hedge maze attracts many visitors and offers exciting walks for the whole family.

Loppem Castle was used not only as an aristocratic residence, but also as a place for important historical events. During the First World War, the castle housed King Albert I and Queen Elizabeth, and meetings of the leaders of the Allied powers were held here.

Belgian Brasseries. Bruges


A brasserie is a type of beer hall that serves good food and where the social status of a person is not particularly important, which distinguishes brasseries from other more pretentious establishments.

Belgian brasseries have gained popularity all over the world.

As for Bruges, there are many good beer halls.

For example, tourists really like Brasserie Cambrinus, which is located at Philipstockstraat 19.

Here, in addition to excellent beer, you can try rabbit with applesauce, onion soup or beef in beer.


Bruges is a city that lives with its history and culture. Here you will see the best sights of Belgium.

Every street, every building tells its own unique story. A visit to Bruges is an immersion into the world of medieval Europe, where every stone and every canal has its own legend.

To fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and see all the sights of Bruges, it is recommended to allocate at least three days. The city is conveniently explored on foot, but bicycles and public transport are also available.

The climate in Bruges is moderate, which makes it pleasant to visit at any time of year. There are many authentic hotels for accommodation, which allow you to feel part of the history of this unique city.

Pictures with views of Belgium

картины с видами бельгии

Inspired by the journey along the canals and ancient streets of Bruges, having seen the beauty of Belgium, you want to leave something for yourself as a souvenir of the trip.

You can buy yourself or your family as a gift an oil painting for your interior with views of Bruges.

On our website there are original landscapes of Belgium in oil on canvas from the artist Nadezhda Tsvetkova.


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